Frequently Asked Question

Error while uploading iLecture to the MOODLE portal.
Last Updated 6 years ago

If you get an error when you upload content to your LMS or it simply fails to upload, try these steps:

1. Publish for LMS.

First, publish your course properly for LMS hosting. To publish please refer the guides on how to publish in each software you are using.

2. Use a supported e-learning specification.

When you publish, be sure to select a communication standard that’s supported by LMS.

We recommend choosing the newest spec that’s supported by our LMS. The supported specs include (newest on top):

  • Tin Can API (also called Experience API or xAPI)
  • SCORM 2004
  • SCORM 1.2
  • AICC
3. Zip your published output.

Most LMSs require you to zip content before you upload it. And it must be zipped in a certain way, or your LMS won't accept it.

The best way to zip your course is to click the Zip button on the Publish Successful dialog in your Articulate software. If you manually zip your published output, be sure to zip only the course files, not the folder that contains the course files.


If the problem still persisted after you performed those steps, please contact eLearning Team for further assistance.

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