Frequently Asked Question

Lecturer: I want to extend the deadline
Last Updated 6 years ago

In Peer Assessment activity, there are TWO dates you need to pay attention with.

1st Phase: Submission date (Declaration of Assessment)
2nd Phase: Assessment date (Assess peers)

For video tutorial;
Please watch the video below

For guided reading;

Here are the steps for you to extend the 1st Phase date.

  1. Log in as usual to elearn portal.
  2. Go to your Peer Assessment activity.
  3. Clik EDIT and click on EDIT SETTINGS
4. Go to the AVAILABILITY section and set the new dates. Please make sure those columns are ENABLE for you to do the adjustment.

5. Rules to define the date and time:

If you want to extend the deadline of the 1st Phase, you MUST also change the deadline of 2nd Phase. This is because those two dates are sync to each other and to ensure the flow of the assessment is in a correct way.

BUT, if you want to extend JUST the 2nd Phase deadline, then ONLY 2nd phase deadline you need to change. The 1st Phase time and dates, you do not have to change because its passed already.

ONE important condition to change/re-set those two dates is;


  • You can set the DATE overlapping to one another.
6. You can see in the picture above, 'submission deadline' and 'open for assessment from' dates are same, BUT the time is different. This is what the condition "DO NOT SET THE TIME OVERLAP TO ONE ANOTHER" means.

7. After you defined those two dates, please TICK the box for "SWITCH TO THE NEXT PHASE AFTER THE SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE".

8. If you want to extend JUST the 2nd Phase ONLY, you just need to adjust the DEADLINE FOR ASSESSMENT only.

9. After you done with the adjustment, SCROLL DOWN and click SAVE AND DISPLAY button.

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