Frequently Asked Question

How to add a new materials/resources/activities in the module/resources page
Last Updated 3 months ago

Please follow the instruction and guides below:

  • Before you start the editing, you must have the rights to edit and access the page in the portal. If you do not have the rights, please request by raise a ticket in eLearning Eticketing system in this link and select help topic: Access to teaching module.

Below is the guided reading or you can refer to this attachment eLearn Guides: 

  • If you already have the rights, please log in to the portal and open the module page that you want to edit.
  • In the page, click on "Edit mode" button at the top right side of the page.
  • In the page, go to the section/topic that you want to add a new materials/resources/activities.
  • At the right side bottom  of the section/topic, you will see a link "Add an activity or resource" and click that link.
  • A pop up menu appear and you may choose what kind of activity and resources you want to add to your section/topic. You can search it by key in the key word in the search box, or you can sort them by Activities or Resources. Just tick on button of an activity or resource you want to add. After that, click "Add" button. You can click on the star to make it as a favorite.

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