Frequently Asked Question

Reset password problem - Please contact IT Department
Last Updated a year ago

Please take note that any login problems such as password error, username error, account locked and all related matters to log in to the portal, are managed by Information Technology (IT) Department. ONLY this department able to solve all the log in problem issues. e-Learning has no rights to take care of those issues. Contacting e-Learning will only delaying in solving the error.

e-Learning only provide you recommended ACTIONS and INFORMATION when you facing those problems.

When you cannot login, it could be due to a few reason and they can be as below:

  1. Your password has expired
  2. You have tried multiple times and your account has been locked.
  3. You have forgotten your password.

When either one of this occur you can reset it online at or contact IT Helpdesk at or call IT Helpdesk at 03 - 2731 7318.

Here are some steps given by the IT Department on how to set your new password.

All users should be responsible to set strong passwords and adhere to the following practices:-

  1. Set strong passwords which have the following characteristics;
  2. Length of password should contain a minimum six (6) characters;
  3. Contain at least three of the five following character classes:

I.Lower case characters
II.Upper case characters
V.“Special” characters (e.g. @#$%^&*()_+|~-=\`{}[]:";'/ etc)

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